DeXian Protocol
DeXian Protocol, bringing greater liquidity and more efficient trading experience to Radix.
About DeXian Protocol
DeXian Protocol is composed of Staking Earning, Lending Protocol, Decentralized Leverage, C2C, and Online Store. These decentralized protocol projects are collaborating to provide the Radix ecosystem with greater liquidity, smoother trading and consuming experience, and more secure and efficient fund management.
DeXian Staking Earning (DSE): DeXian Staking Earning (DSE) is a liquid staking protocol based on Radix, which provides a one-stop solution to the problem of Fast stake and even Faster unstake. Users can immediately REDEEM their XRD staked without waiting for the approximately 10 to 15 days unstaking delay of the Radix network, which greatly improves the liquidity of XRD and brings users convenience.
DeXian Lending Protocol (DLP): DeXian Lending Protocol is a decentralized lending protocol based on RadixDLT, which fully utilizes the asset-oriented programming features of Scrypto. Based on the market supply and demand algorithm " Loan-to-deposit ratio", DLP builds interest rate models and dynamic update index model for different types of cryptocurrencies, providing users with flexible deposit and lending interest rates.
DeXian Decentralized Leverage (DDL): DeXian Decentralized Leverage is based on Scrypto smart contracts and upstream & downstream projects, offering users with a decentralized leverage tool to take advantage of opportunities generated by market volatility fairly and efficiently.
DeXian C2C: DeXian C2C is a decentralized OTC trading platform based on the Radix distributed ledger and smart contract, which was developed by using the Scrypto language. It supports OTC trading of fiat currencies such as USD and EUR as well as XRD and other Tokens such as OCI, CAVIAR, and FLOOP, providing users with secure, efficient, trust-less access to their funds while protecting privacy.
DeXian Online Store (DOS): DOS is an online store that supports XRD payments for Radix peripherals. Initially, DOS will offer T-shirts and hoodies with Radix, RADFI, KaiYuan Epoch and DeXian logos, to expand Radix's influence in Greater China and increase the sense of belonging to the Radix community. In the future, we will launch more Radix products and add multiple Token payment channels to promote the liquidity of Radix ecosystem Tokens, establishing a global, multi-brand, full range of Radix ecosystem stores to enable each Radix community member can find their desired products here.