About EasyMoon
Easymoon is about to make your week, and probably your whole life a lot easier. Let’s just say we’ve made a deal with the man on the moon to kick your wallet into the stratosphere and beyond.
So what’s in the stars for you? Get ready for launch: Easymoon is a token on the Radix network and has a total immutable supply of 42 billion $emoon. Most of the supply is given away for free to those who want it in a weekly giveaway that lasts for 42 weeks. Why 42? Because 42 is the answer to everything, obviously, and Babylon arrives close to the end of the giveaway. This will be the perfect time to stop the free supply. Radix has just become extremely popular and it is the altcoins time to rally.
How likely is a rally? Let’s just say at Easymoon, we can see it written in the stars. Basic demand and supply rules say that Easymoon is for sure a shooting star. Actually, it’s more like a star, strapped to a rocket, with double strength rocket fuel - and we’ve got the key in the ignition, ready to go. So, where does the demand come from? It’s from all those moonboys believing that Easymoon is going to the moon. Ordinary people realize that moonboys think like this, and therefore choose to invest as well. Everyone invests, and demand enters the stratosphere. Jackpot!